Most Common House Spiders in Florida

House spider

House spiders are extremely common. While they aren't the worst kind of pest to have, they can be a nuisance. Thankfully, most common house spiders are not harmful to humans. It is important to know what kinds of spiders are common to have in your home, so you can be wary of those that are harmful.

Here are some of the most common house spiders.

American House Spider

The American House Spider are part of a group called cobweb spiders. They normally build their webs in basements, closets, and other dark spaces. They can be brown, tan, or gray, and are not larger than the size of a nickel. They are known for making messy webs, so if you see those in your home, they are probably being made by this spider. American House Spiders are not harmful to humans or pets.

Brown Recluse

The Brown Recluse is part of the brown spider family. They can be found across the country, in both warm and cold temperatures. They are attracted to dark places, so you will find them in basements, closets, attics, and in walls and furniture. Despite their name, they can both brown and gray.

The venom that these spiders produce can be cause for medical treatment. Adults generally do not have a reaction to these spider bites, but younger children are much more sensitive. Some of the reactions can be rash, fever, and chills.

Sac Spiders

Sac Spiders do not create webs, so it can be hard to know if they are present in your home. They are normally active at night. They are light-colored and are usually yellow or tan. They are harmless to humans.

Jumping Spiders

It is easy to see these spiders because they are always jumping around! They are attracted to light, so they will commonly be hanging out near a window. They are very small and can be black, brown, tan, or gray. Their bites can sting but are harmless.

Wolf Spiders

Wolf spiders live almost everywhere in the world, and they are common throughout Florida. Instead of building webs, these spiders use their excellent eyesight to hunt down prey, so they will eat other insects in your home, which can be a good thing. Wolf spiders are relatively large, and adults can grow to lengths of an inch or more. They can be black brown, tan, or gray. They are harmless to humans.

Black Widows

The two major venomous spiders in Florida are the notorious black widow and brown widow species. Brown recluses are not native to Florida and are rarely found in the state, but black widows are a serious problem. Female black widows are the most poisonous spiders in North America, and their venom is 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom. Black widows can easily be identified by their black bodies and red hourglass markings.

Brown Widows

Brown widow spiders are common throughout Florida, and they can be found around many homes. Brown widows are smaller than black widows and range in color from light tan to black. They typically have orange or yellow hourglass markings on their abdomens. Brown widow venom is twice as potent as the black widow, but they are unable to deliver as much venom as black widows. 

Problems Caused by Spiders

Spider infestations can be a health hazard, especially if the invading spiders are poisonous. Black widow bites are typically not painful at first, but symptoms such as severe pain, anxiety, muscle cramps, headaches, nausea, and seizures may eventually develop. Symptoms of brown widow bites include severe pain and redness around the bite area. Wolf spiders rarely bite.

How Do Spiders Get Into My House?

Spiders can be beneficial to your home in some ways by keeping smaller insects away, but they are never pleasant to look at, especially when you don't know how they get inside your home in the first place. If you want to get spiders out of your home and keep them away, it's important to take a walk-through of your home to determine where they are entering as there are a few common places to look at first.

The obvious ways that spiders enter your home are through cracks underneath and around the doors and windows. They could also sneak inside when you have the doors and windows open if there is enough space for them to get through. They can also enter the home by going through holes underneath your sinks and around pipes. Holes in the walls that lead to the outside are also good ways for spiders to get inside.

When you see these areas in the home, you need to seal them so that no pests can get inside the house. Any doors and windows should have a proper seal that is secure. If you can see any kind of daylight around the edges of the doors and windows, then they aren't sealed properly, which means that spiders can get through. If there are any cracks or holes in the foundation of your home, you can use a mesh screen to cover them. This will keep out most spiders. Steel wool is an option for areas around your pipes under your sinks.

Another way that spiders get into your home is by hitching a ride on a person or on a pet. After being outside for any length of time, a spider might decide that your clothing, shoes, or bags are an ideal way to get to your house. They can also get inside boxes and bags. If you store items in a shed or a carport, then you need to examine them before taking them into your home because spiders can easily sneak inside them and make their way to your home.

Call Our Team of Spider Exterminators

If you have spiders or any other pest problems in your home, contact Venice Pest Control today. Our team of experienced pest experts is ready to help you.

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