How to Find and Remove a Dead Mouse

If you suspect that there’s a dead mouse somewhere in your home, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get the problem cleaned up right. In addition to carrying dangerous bacteria that put your family and pets at risk for infection, dead mice attract worms and produce an overwhelmingly unpleasant smell that can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Tackling the carcass removal quickly is the best way to reduce the risk of contamination and prevent odor from seeping into your living space.
How Can I Find a Dead Mouse?
It’s not uncommon for poisoned mice to die in hidden crevices within walls, ceilings, and floorboards. If you don’t come face to face with the carcass, the odor trail should lead you to the problem area. Once in the room where the smell is the strongest, check superficial hiding spots, like behind the refrigerator, inside cabinets, and crawlspaces. If the culprit is inside the walls or under floorboards, cutting through the structure may be the only solution. Since it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact spot where the smell is originating, you may want to call in the pros if you still want to go ahead with the removal.
How Do I Remove the Remains Safely?
To protect yourself from infection, put on a mask and a pair of heavy-duty gloves. After placing the carcass in a sealed plastic bag, dispose of it outside to make sure the fumes don’t make their way back inside your home. When you’re done, disinfect the affected area with a mix of bleach and hot water.
The presence of a dead mouse is a red flag that your home may be vulnerable to future infestations. To prevent recurring issues with rodents and other pests, schedule an appointment with a professional pest control company.