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Cape Haze, FL Pest Control

Surrounded by water and state parks, Cape Haze attracts residents here because of its scenery and close proximity to Fort Myers, a bustling city to the south. New events take place almost every week, and those who enjoy the outdoors have the Wildflower Preserve and the Historical Trail to discover. With nature around every corner, there's bound to be a few pests lurking in homes across the city. Venice Pest Control has an answer to those annoying pest infestations in Cape Haze, Florida.

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Main Office

114 Corporation Way
M-F: 8AM-4:30PM
SAT: Closed
SUN: Closed
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Venice Pest Control Service Area Map - Florida

Ants in Cape Haze

Ants can find ways into your home through the smallest openings, from gaps beneath a door to cracks along the foundation. They're always searching for food and other places to expand their colony. Numerous ant species live in Florida, including fire ants, carpenter ants and Pharaoh ants. Each species poses a different problem for homeowners and requires specific treatments for successful elimination.

Our certified technicians can identify the problem species and treat them effectively in one visit. We can also apply preventative treatments to protect your home from future ant infestations.

Roaches in Cape Haze

Roaches transmit diseases to people, such as salmonellosis and gastroenteritis. They spread these infections as they scurry along counters, food, toothbrushes and other personal items. These pests breed quickly, resulting in a population explosion in only a few months. Because they withstand many over-the-counter sprays and bombs, it's important to seek professional assistance to ensure their complete eradication.

Our experienced team will inspect areas where roaches hide out and eliminate them using the quickest and most effective treatments. We will also create a custom pest control program to help keep these pests out of your home throughout the year.

Termite Control in Cape Haze

Termites thrive in Florida thanks in part to its hot, humid climate. Various species live in Cape Haze and attack homes and businesses, such as subterranean and drywood termites. They live in colonies that grow to massive proportions if they're not caught in time. The larger a colony is, the more damage it can cause as it devours wooden structures in its path.

Our pest control professionals will provide a thorough inspection of your home or business and find where the termites have built their colony. We will then use successful treatments to eliminate the infestation and implement protective strategies to prevent a reinfestation later.

Affordable Pest Control in Cape Haze

Contact Venice Pest Control to receive a free estimate and to schedule an immediate inspection. Treating a pest infestation alone is like fighting a winless battle since most over-the-counter products don't target the pests at the source. We'll treat your home or business and set up a recurring program to keep pests out of your living and working areas all year-long.

5 Star Review

Great service. Doug does a Fantastic job for us. Always sends a reminder before he arrives.

Dan K
5 Star Review

Been with Venice Pest Control and Doug "the Bug" since 2018 in North Venice. Always prompt and answers all questions.

John Huber
5 Star Review

I highly recommend them. They were very prompt. Keith was very kind and professional. Definitely a company that'd I'd refer to friends and family.

Dawn Guido
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